Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kangen Water® produces a yellow/green color (neutral reading) in pH testing solutions even if it made on the setting for pH 9.5. This phenomenon is often observed in areas where well water is used. Even water that tests neutral has been through the electrolytic process and has the benefits. This is caused by the carbon dioxide in well water, which is produced from decomposing organic matter. Carbon dioxide readily dissolves in water, making it acidic. Water with carbon dioxide can be electrolyzed, however, the carbon dioxide is neutralized during the process. Therefore the water tests neutral on the pH scale. Driving out the carbon dioxide from Kangen Water® will result in the Kangen Water® expressing blue in pH test liquid.
When measuring the pH using a pH testing solution, place a few drops in the flask before pouring in freshly made Kangen Water®. There is carbon dioxide in your Kangen Water® if the color turns blue initially, but eventually turns yellow.