Thursday, May 14, 2015

The electrode plate in LeveLuk's electrolysis cell is thicker and larger than other companies' products. The appliance is designed this way in order to increase electrolysis capacity and durability. Another important reason is to guarantee the production of maximum volumes of water. The electrode plates are made of the very highest-quality titanium, plated with platinum. Needless to say, due to this choice of materials, the electrode plates are completely rustproof. The electrolysis cell is to a water production appliance what the engine generator is to a car. We can recommend our products with the utmost confidence because we use only the best materials. Our electrolysis cell and control (PCB)1 secures a high ORP2, and produces safe, healthy and delicious water.  The automatic cleaning mechanism ensures that the electrolysis cell is always clean, and it should last 15 years.
1Control PCB (Print Circuit Board)
A board comprising print circuits that manage various data related to the appliance. Hi-tech components/condenser also built in.
2ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential)
Electrical potential needed to reduce or slow down rusting and decay (oxidization). This process is also known as deoxidization. ORP is measured in terms of negative mVs. The ideal ORP level for the human body is said to be between -150mV and -400mV.