Thursday, May 14, 2015

In ancient times, the Japanese archipelago was connected to what is now China, but over the years it broke off and drifted toward the Pacific Ocean. Japan's soil was acidic back then, and since there are many volcanoes along the Sea of Japan, the soil has remained acidic, and has not become neutral or alkaline. As a result, the water in areas toward the Sea of Japan is more acidic than in areas closer to the Pacific Ocean. Although acidic water, which has an astringent effect1, is good for the skin if used for everyday chores and facial treatment, it is not suitable for drinking. Even when this water is electrolyzed, it does not produce water with standard pH levels. This water is much better for consumption than unpurified water. The ORP measuring device is the best way to see this for your self, in which case there is a need to add calcium glycerophosphate2 to the water. By doing so, pH levels can be increased in intervals of 0.5. We recommend that people living in regions on the side of the Sea of Japan add calcium to their water.
1Astringent effect
Acidic water contains a small amount of chlorine ions and has an astringent effect. This water is good for toning your skin.
2Calcium glycerophosphate (Calcium powder)
If the pH level does not increase even after electrolyzing water (especially when using well water or tap water in areas toward the Sea of Japan), adding calcium powder will increases the pH level.