Thursday, May 14, 2015

The white fogginess apparent in Kangen Water® is simply a result of hydrogen gas being released through electrolysis, and does not pose a problem. If you rest the glass for a while the white fogginess should disappear.
Research focused on dissolved hydrogen released through electrolysis of water was presented at The Japan Functional Water Association Meeting1 in late December of 2002. It reported that Kangen Water® is effective in controlling the oxidation of lipids in the body. It also reported that dissolved hydrogen2 present in the colloidal3state has a higher activity level than active hydrogen4 produced at the instance of reaction. Based on this report, the need for broader data collection and further scientific analysis was recognized.
1The Japan Functional Water Association Meeting
The Japan Functional Water Association Workshop was established on September 13, 2002. In December of the same year, the first Japan Functional Water Association Academic Convention was held in Tokyo.
2Dissolved hydrogen
Most commonly measured using a diaphragm polalograph-type dissolved hydrogen electrode. The solubility of dissolved hydrogen is about 1.5mg/L.
Low molecular weight (colloidal) particles dispersed in liquid. Each particle is between 1m and 0.1. The majority of substances that make up organisms are colloidal and have complex movements.
4Active hydrogen
Professor Sanetaka SHIRAHATA of Kyushu University announced the "active hydrogen deoxidized water theory" on removing the active hydrogen in Kangen water. Related academic circles are debating whether or not active hydrogen exists in a stable state, given that it is an unstable free radical.