Thursday, May 14, 2015

Electrolysis of water requires high quality electrolysis plates, and the size, thickness, and number of the plates becomes crucial in maintaining durability. The "double cross line" method1 used by other companies has the appliance's overall durability in mind. In these appliances, two small electrolysis cells are used in turn to provide resting time, but this limits the volume of water than can be produced at one time. LeveLuk on the other hand, has five or seven electrolysis plates, the largest number in the industry, and while maintaining durability via their large surface area and thickness, they allow the appliance to produce large volumes of water (maximum Kangen Water®: 0.8-2.0 gallons/minute).
Every function, such as supplying voltage according to switching of the pH setting and producing highly acidic water in the same electrolysis cell, is carefully monitored by the microcomputer. It ensures that the appliance can be used safely for a long period of time. We recommend that you produce "beauty water" once a day for at least three minutes to improve the appliance's durability.
1Double cross line method
Also referred to as the auto cross changer method. An electrolysis system where the appliance is equipped with two small electrolysis cells in order to enhance durability by alternating the cells with each water flow.