Thursday, May 14, 2015

Electrolyzing water produces Kangen Water® (alkaline) on the negative pole and acidic water on the positive pole. LeveLuk is designed so that the flexible pipe attached to the top is connected to the negative electrolysis cell, while the discharge (gray) hose, attached to the base of the LeveLuk, is connected to the positive electrolysis cell.
For this reason, Kangen Water® and strong Kangen Water® comes out of the flexible pipe, and acidic water and strong acidic water comes out of the discharge hose. Of the four production modes, when the appliance is set on the "beauty water" mode, the electric current is reversed, as it is done for cleaning, so acidic water comes out the flexible pipe and Kangen Water® comes out the discharge hose. This is the only time the waters are discharged on the opposite ends. Since the acidic mode reverses polarity, it has the effect of breaking off calcium crystals attached to the negative pole and can be used as a manual cleaning mode.