Thursday, May 14, 2015

Can Kangen Water® be used to take medication?
Kangen Water® is intended for everyday drinking and cooking rather than for drinking with medication. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare gives the following directions:
  • Do not take medication with machine-produced water.
  • Do not drink machine-produced water if you have anaciditas1
  • Seek help from a doctor or pharmacist if you feel an abnormality in the body, or continued intake does not appear to improve symptoms. This is because the effectiveness of medication using Kangen Water® has not yet been tested. The pH level of stomach acids is about 1.8pH, and medication is prescribed in accordance to this pH level in order for it to take effect past the stomach. Therefore, to ensure full effect of the medication, we recommend leaving sometime between taking the medication and drinking Kangen Water®.

This symptom, also known as gastric acholrhydria, is found in people with a stomach acidity higher than the average human pH level of 1.8pH. This makes it harder for them to digest food. These people should not drink alkaline Kangen Water®.