Friday, June 26, 2015

The smaller hexagonal molecular structure resulting from electrolysis is what makes Enagic water wetter than tap or bottled water. These smaller clusters of water molecules are less than half the size of those found in tap water. The smaller cluster size gives the water excellent hydrating properties, high solubility and good cellular permeability.
Water from a Water Ionizer is “micro-clustered”, meaning it is grouped together in smaller clusters of 5-6 water molecules like clusters found in natural flowing spring water, instead of the 10-13 found in bottled or tap water. This makes it “micro-clustered” so it will be more quickly and easily absorbed and will hydrate cells and tissues more effectively. The hexagonal molecular structure resulting from electrolysis is what makes ionized water “wetter” than tap or bottles water. It is up to 6 times more hydrating than typical tap water. Therefore it permeates cellular membranes quickly to provide a natural energy lift.